
From last 8th February to 12th February, two officers of the Belgian Civil Protection, Colonel Jan Beeldens and Captain Bastiaan Ruys, participated in an exercise which represented the second step of the course which should lead to the certification, by the EU's Civil Protection Mechanism authorities, of the Flood Rescue Using Boats (FRUB) module. The first step consisted in a visit by the European Commission to meet the members of the FRUB Team. This module has already taken part in several large-scale international exercises to be best prepared for this certification (CASCADE 2019 in Portugal last year, RIWATEREX in Spain in 2018, Sørland in Norway in 2016, …).
On the occasion of the European 112 Day, Belgium will introduce an options menu for the emergency numbers 112 and 101.
Since the 1st February, after having spent about ten years within the Directorate-General Security & Prevention, the Fire Prevention Service has returned to the Directorate-General Civil Security.
On Tuesday 26 November 2019, the exercise Stayin' Connected took place on the ground of the Civil Protection in Brasschaat. A terrorist incident with biological agents was simulated in a fictitious foreign context. The exercise was organised to train the specialized capacities for CBRNe incidents (chemical, biological, radiological, radiological, nuclear and explosives) in special circumstances, as well as to test the mutual information and communication possibilities.
The Union Provinciale des Sapeurs-Pompiers du Brabant Wallon (provincial union of fire fighters of Walloon Brabant) organizes, in partnership with the emergency rescue zone Walloon Brabant, its very first international competition for fire fighters.
The CTIF, also known as the “International Association of Fire and Rescue Service” was founded in 1900 for encouraging and promoting the cooperation between fire fighters and experts in fire and rescue throughout the world. Meanwhile the organization has 36 member countries, as well as some 50 members from the private and public sector. They organize international conferences and competitions, they contribute to the development of the youth fire brigades and they develop comprehensive world fire statistics.
In case of a heavy thunderstorm it is possible that an emergency centre 112/100 exceptionally and despite the reinforcement of the operator teams, cannot treat all calls. Therefore follow the instructions below:
The new website of the Directorate-General Civil Security of the Federal Public Service Home Affairs has been online since 22 April 2014.